Friday, February 20, 2015

Dr.Hernandez Food Traditions

Breana Hernandez                                                                                                         801

       There are many foods around the world, but every food has his own culture. For example I'm from the Dominican Republic and the food most known there is "La Bandera Dominicana" which means "The Dominican Flag". La bandera dominicana brings Arroz(rice) Habichuela(beans) Carne(chicken) and Ensalada(salad). Sometimes it may bring Plantains. Most Dominicans eat it almost everyday. Even though it comes from the Dominican Republic others eat it like most dominicans eat american food for example, Mcdonalds.

This is an image of "La Bandera Dominicana".
The Foods We Eat Today ! 
   The foods we eat today are different because of all the Restaurants built. Most likely Fast-Food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burgerking, Popeyes, Kfc etc... these types of food are not Dominican food, like I said there are many types of food around the world and they are all different.

Modern Americans ! 
  The culture of the United States is primarily Western, but is influenced by African, Native Americans, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American. This information from Wikipedia is trying to say is that the united states is influenced by many different countries in the world and that the food that are in the United States are not only of Americans some food comes from other countries like some plantains comes from the Dominican Republic. These are reason and examples of why I think that Modern Americans have strong food traditions because of the different types of food that are in the USA, that people bring different foods from different countries. Also, that people cook differently. Have you ever tried the fries from Chinese food, Mcdonalds or any other restaurant they taste differently. 
Chinese food fries 

Mcdonalds Fries 

 Sometimes not ! 

  Sometimes I don't think that Modern Americans have strong food traditions because of the economic now a days. Economic today is hard and some people don't have enough money to buy what they need. This is one of the reasons why I sometimes think that Modern Americans don't have strong food traditions because of the economy. But I go more with the side that Modern Americans have strong food traditions because we everyday eat a different meal buying it in the stores of USA. 

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