Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pollan's claim

The claim Pollan was trying to make within pages 240-245 was that hunting isnt such a simple concept as it seems. He supports this claim by telling his experience with hunting. He says his experience and through out his story, he explains how his perspective changed. At first he was content about catching his first pig but then he starts to get disgusted as he starts to gut his pig and cleaning it up to be ready to sell or cook. Making this the reason hunting wasnt as easy as he thought or in other words as simple as he imagined.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What food chain would I choose to feed my family?

Precious Acevedo 
Local Sustainable 

If I had to choose out of one of the four food chains to feed my family I would choose local sustainable . I would choose local sustainable because Local sustainable has to do with producing many vegetable based and healthier food choices than other food chains . It isn't  a good chain that has foods that have been placed with chemicals or any unhealthy injection . Industrial Orgnaic includes natural good choices that can be eaten by almost everyone. Therefore, if I had to choose out of one of the four food chains to feed my family I would choose local sustainable .

Local Sustainable Food Chain: Dr. Gomez

If there was only one food chain I had to use to feed my family, it would be the local sustainable food chain. I would choose this food chain because it has fresh and organic food that are bought from trustworthy farmers and merchants. If you chose another food chain like industrial, you would be eating unreliable food with bacteria and diseases from animals you didn't know about. You would be providing unhealthy and unfresh food for you and your family. If you chose the hunter-gatherer food chain, you would be hunting animals that could have certain infections and diseases that you would not discover. You do not know any history of your food and what it had been through. Luckily, the local sustainable food chain provides gealthy meals that were made by professionals who know how the food was before it was cooked because the farmers had raised the animals and were able to control their diets and health. Therefore, the local sustainable food chain is most reliable due to the professionals providing the food and their credibility in the culinary arts.

How will you vote with your fork? (279-283)

How Will You Vote with Your Fork?
Precious acevedo
I will vote with my fork by eating from different types of sections in food chains.Also, by learning more from the industrial food chain from where each food chain comes from and how it is organic or not. For example, out of all industrial food chains, I would choose industrial organic. This is because I know that industrial organic doesn't cause an unhealthy environment. Therefore , I will vote with my fork by eating from different types of sections in food chains. 

The Omnivores Dilemma (240-245)

Precious Acevedo 

The Omnivores Dilemma

The claim throughout pages 240-245 was how the hunters should be more aware of how serious the situation of what they had been doing towards these animals was. 


1."when we kill an animal, especially a big mammal like a pig, it can't help reminding us of our own death"

2."Hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly"

Local Sustainable: Food for my Family to eat~Dr.Okolo

If I had to feed my family through one of the four food chains, I would choose the Local Sustainable food chain. With the local sustainable food chain, all the food you and your family will be eating would be healthy and organic. The farmers who follow the local sustainable food chain do not use dangerous chemicals to make their food better like how some farmers do in the industrial and industrial organic food chain. They grow food natural and everything is safe. You don't have to worry about getting sick or catching dangerous diseases like cancer because the food doesn't have the chemicals that make you feel sick. This is why out of all the four food chains, I would want to feed my family food from the Local Sustainable food chain because it would keep them safe and healthy.
if I could choose what to feed my family I would feed them a local sustainable diet. because although it is more expensive it allows the wildlife that are being killed to live a better life than an industrial food source would.

vote with your fork by Dr.Compres

I choose to vote with my fork by still eating industrial foods. I agree that the way they go about making the foods can be morally wrong but that is a fact of life.

michael's claim pg 240-245 by dr.Compres

in this section of the book Michael Pollan depicts his first kill as a hunter and the feelings that rose while trying to live with what he has done.
            Michael claims that what a hunter does is not for the the weak willed. "hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly". this shows how  Michael believes a hunters job is a hard one and should not be glanced over that it should be respected."i looked from the dead, bloody pig to the big, happy grin on the man's face-my face. then I hurried my mouse to the corner of the image and clicked, closing it as quickly as I could. what could I have possibly been thinking? what was I so damned proud of anyway? suddenly I felt ashamed."
this quote shows how you could be so proud of what you had dun but the next disgusted.
in these pages Michael depicts the true nature of the hunter gatherer life style. it is not one of happiness and triumph, but one that takes great courage and an understanding of what you have done.
Dr. Rivera
I  will vote with my fork by choosing the food that's healthy and good for the American society. I will choose the food that will help me not affect me and try to kill me. I will choose the one that's good for me and for my family not what causes them problems and affects them.
Dr. Riviera
The food chain that I would fee is local sustainable because it's healthy and organic for people in the society. These had no pesticides or chemicals in their food and were better to eat then the other food chains. It's also good for your stomach and it didn't get people to not like that and also they know what's in their food before they buy it.

Dr.Estrada: Food For My Family

Many of you may disagree with me on what i'm about to state but this is all in my opinions and noticing. Well in my opinion I say that my family should keep on eating what they eat daily. Regular food that we've been eating all our life. After all this and all my noticing this doesn't affect us in any harmful way. We are all healthy and happy. We just eat what we like and at the same time we will eat healthy as-well. All these years we've been the same and its good like that. Why change now? Food is just food. We eat it and we enjoy it. This opinion of mine has been the same after all this time and even after this book it has still been the same. I don't know what else to tell you. If you like your food just eat it. We are still the same. We enjoy it. Why change? I think this is actually the best choice that you can make. Enjoy your food guys.

Dr.Estrada: Food For Family ~ The Truth ~

Many of you may disagree with me on what i'm about to state but this is all in my opinions and noticing. Well in my opinion I say that my family should keep on eating what they eat daily. Regular food that we've been eating all our life. After all this and all my noticing this doesn't affect us in any harmful way. We are all healthy and happy. We just eat what we like and at the same time we will eat healthy as-well. All these years we've been the same and its good like that. Why change now? Food is just food. We eat it and we enjoy it. This opinion of mine has been the same after all this time and even after this book it has still been the same. I don't know what else to tell you. If you like your food just eat it. We are still the same. We enjoy it. Why change?


Wennise Wright
March 11,2015

I would feed my family local sustainable because its healthier for people and the people take care of the food well and there is not that much chemicals that wont hurt people or make people sick(consumers).

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Choice For The Best

My Decision

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan presents numerous food chains to inform us of their health benefits and risks, and persuades us to make a decision on which food chain we think is the best for us, which we should utilize into our own lives. From much thinking, analysis, and own personal reasons, I have concluded that I would eat from the local-sustainable food chain. Why? Thinking of benefits overall, this food chain is not only is it good for me, but also for the animals and the environment. Before the animals die for us to consume them, they are treated with the utmost care and freedom. They are raised in the "natural" way; no selective breeding, or chemicals and specific foods affect their health, and make them grow faster. In return, the animals fertilize the land in which farmers keep them in while they enjoy the freedom they have exploring acres of it with no huge restrictions. One thing to note, when these animals are slaughtered, it is done in a humane, quick,way, in the least painfullest method possible. Compared to that, when many animals are hunted in the hunter-gatherer food chain, when shot, they experience ex-crucifying pain bleeding to death for hunters to collect them. Pretty awesome, if you ask me. (Note sarcasm) There are more benefits too for the animals and the environment, but understanding the gist of it, you can assume that there are many. For us, of course there are many "profits" we can gain by following this food chain. The most important thing to consider is the fact that since these animals are grown similar to how our ancestors used to grow them; no chemicals or artificial things are applied to make the process more better for us.  Thus, very little risks are seen from eating from this food chain. The food travels short distance, benefits both the consumer and employer, helps the environment, helps the animals- but most importantly- helps the world too overall. And I think that's the most important factor we should think about when deciding which food chain we would want to eat from.

Hunter Gatherer ~ Dr. Flores

Okay. Industrial, industrial organic, local sustainable, and Hunter gatherer. These four food chains are presented in the book and is talked about and supported with factual evidence and opinions. I believe from reading this book and even though people might disagree with me and believe im wrong for choosing this food chain I will choose the hunter gatherer food chain. The hunter gatherer food chain mad seem cruel and violent but its fresh and very natural. For centuries we been hunting down our meals and we enjoying our meals for centuries. It may seem cruel but its the safest and natural way to get unchemicalized foods. The hunter gatherer food chain is historic and i believe is the best food chain.  

Dr.Manyamu: What will I want to eat?

The omnivores dilemma is a book that present the reader with different food chain and how they affect us and the environment. You have the industrial food chain, industrial organic food chain, local sustainable food chain, and hunter-gatherer  food chain. All four of this food chains are different therefore people will like different kinds. I'm going for the local sustainable food chain. They provide us food without raising their farm animals in harm and they help the land. The food is better because you are aware of how if became and knowing that your supporting big businesses that just care about their profit. The food you get will be base on the season which is kinda cool if you think about. It not a supermarket where you can walk in get anything you want. Their are a lot more reason to why I have chosen the local sustainable food chain.

Dr. Valoy With His Choice

     In this book, we learned about different kinds of food chains. There were some that were better than others and each one was beneficial in its own way. After thinking about it, I would prefer that my family and I would eat local sustainable food. I chose this food chain because it's  not only beneficial for me, but for the animals as well. With this type of farming, animals are treated with care and freedom. Also, the food isn't processed and the food travels short distances, so it's more fresh. It'll probably taste better, too. This food chain is actually beneficial for the farmers as well because when the chickens are in the floorless pens, they eat grass and the chicken manure fertilizes the soil. Also, the chickens are able to be happy and walk around to eat grass. With some other food chains, the animals eat mostly corn, but in this food chain, chickens get to eat food other than corn like grasshoppers, worms and crickets that they find. This is healthy for the chickens and for us. Therefore, I would choose to eat local sustainable food because it's fresh and everyone benefits from it as well.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dr. Estrada: Voting With Your Fork

Well I love eating. I always used to eat anything and everything i found tasty. Every thing that I think that looks good I just eat it. Remember what i said before; If it smells good, looks good, taste good, ITS GOOD. Now things have changed. I've learned to actually think about my food before eating it. Every time I see something I want to eat I just need to think; Where did this food come from? What is it made of? How will this affect me in any way? Is this the best choice for me? All those questions I would have to ask myself before I eat. Think about your food. Really look at whats in your plate. Now vote on it with your fork.
I will vote with my fork by making sure I eat healthy and by making sure I encourage others to do so also. I will vote with my fork by making sure I don't eat the junk food from the bending machine's in the cafeteria such as doritos, popcorn, cereals (with a lot of suger) etc. I will also vote with my fork by not eating the French fries and pizzas served in the cafeteria and instead start bringing  my own lunch.

             VOTE WITH YOUR FORK 👍☕🍦🍩🍮🍭🍬🍫🍔🍔🍪🍪🍗🍖🍕🍝🍟🍛🍲🍔🍣🍟🍟

Michael Pollan: The Reason Behind The Writing

The claim that Michael Pollan was trying to make was that animals were suffering and being treated in the wrong ways. He states how people are farming and producing food the wrong way. They are feeding the animals the wrong way and people are messing with the forces of nature. People are also killing these animals which are forms of hunting and gathering. People think this is okay just because we are getting huge benefits and food from all of this but if you think about it we really are just killing another species. We are taking the lives of living, breathing creatures. This is like saying we are killing another human being. We are all responsible for these doings.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

How will I vote with my fork

First I will eat organic food then create a funding to make healthy chemical free food then protest to have more chemical free farms and stuff finally I would do the same for fruited and vegetables

Dr. Gomez: Voting With My Fork

    In “The Omnivore's Dilemma” pages 279-283, I learned what the author was truly attempting to portray in this book. Not only should people eat healthy and make smart choices about where we receive our food from, but we should also choose the source of food that treats animals as humane as possible and does not commit cruel acts towards them. What I will do to attempt to restore America's dignity and keep our humanity intact is make sure that I choose my food from reliable farms and companies that treat animals fairly and provide clean, fresh food that isn't contaminated with bacteria. It is important to make these decisions while shopping for food, even if you only do this once. I may be one of those people who only “votes with my fork” positively and in a smart way once or twice, but I would make it count. I would make sure to eat organic and local foods. This would be a smart and cautious decision.

Voting with your fork

Before reading the book, I just ate what my mother cooked for me but after reading the book, I now know that there's more to what we eat than meets the eye. I guess by "voting with your fork" he means that we should be able to choose what we eat and that we shouldn't let the food industry cloud our thinking. For example, I visited my grandmother and she cooks this soup called "Sancocho" and I saw how she made it. There was one type of meat she puts that I forgot the name of, but it was long and it looked like intestines. When I saw it, I kept thinking about what the book said and the author's experience when he skinned the pig. I liked Sancocho but this time, I really felt nauseous and felt the desire to throw up.

Pollan's claim

A claim Michael Pollan makes on pages 240-245 is that hunters have a responsibility. For example, " when we kill an animal, especially a big mammal like a pig, it can't help reminding us of our pwn death" . This piece of evidence is relevant fo the claim because it shows that hunters have a responsibility what i'm trying to say is that when hunters kill an animal it reminds them of themself and that makes them feel like a responsibility. In addition, "Hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly". This shows that when hinters kill they have a big responsibility because they have to be aware of the things that could happen. Michael Pollan's claim on pages 240-245 is thag hunters have a responsibility.

Dr.Okolo~Vote with our Forks

Before I read the Omnivore's Dilemma, I had never voted with my fork. I would just eat whatever looked good. I didn't think about where the food I ate came from or whether it was natural. But when I read this book, I started to realize that knowing where my food came from is important. The book changed my opinion on what food should I eat. There will be times where I may get fast-food, but it wont be all the time. I will start eating healthier. I may even start eating organic food!!!

How will you do it?😳🍴

Well after reading afterword in The omnivores dilemna there came a big question of "how will you vote with your fork?" And there are many ways you can vote with your fork. By shopping for your food and eating it is one way you can vote with your fork. I say that's one way because you have control on what's on your fork,you can either have the industrial food chain, industrial organic, or local sustainable on your fork/plate. You can either have a healthy choice or a unhealthy choice and its all up to you because "How you and your family choose to spend your food dollars represents one of the most powerful votes you have." You have more control now a days then before. You have the power to pick and help healthier foods get on our plates. "You have the option of eating from a very different food chain-you can vote with your fork for a better world,one delicious bite at a time." So start voting with your fork today,or maybe even right now.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

How will you vote with your fork?

I will vote with my fork but choosing healthier food. When is time time to go to the supper market i will choose organic food. I will also help my mom cook food and make sure that we are cooking healthy food, and that we know from where that food comes from.
Yesterday I ate white rice with chicken. It was good but I read the box the chicken came in it said organic meat from the USA. The white rice was in a bag and it said rice made in Canada.

Voting with our forks ~ Dr. Flores

Okay. Here is what i think about voting with our fork. I just had chinese food which was French fries with chicken wings. Voting with our fork is important but we also have to think about this. Everything was talked about in the book is true however people will understand and try to follow it. But it wont work for long. Lets say I say i wont eat meat ever again. It will go on for a short time and I will eventually eat meat again because one i love meat. Two because my family usually eats meat and three avoiding eating meat will waste more time, energy, and money. Voting with your fork makes sense and is talking about all the theories and logical thinking this book has but you also have to understand we are children. We are people who eat what we like and it wouldnt matter to us if it tastes right. I will vote with my fork with my own little steps. I will think about it but I wont just completely change my way of eating as well. 

Dr. Valoy With How He Will Vote With His Fork

     So the big question today is how I will vote with my fork? Well, before reading this book, I guess I can say I voted with my fork a couple of times. For instance, I really don't drink soda all the time, but sometimes I will for special occasions. Then, eventually, I read "The Omnivore's Dilemma". In this book, I learned more about where my food comes from and that the food that I eat comes from four food chains. They are Industrial, Industrial Organic, Local Sustainable and Hunter-gatherer. After learning about where my food comes from for each of these food chains, I think I'll be a bit more cautious of what I eat. Maybe I'll start and eat more organic foods because it doesn't contain a lot of chemicals. Honestly, there may be some times where I will get fast food, but I guess it won't be all the time. Therefore, there may be some times where I'll get  fast food, but I'll be more cautious of what I eat and start to eat more organic foods.


Image result for industrial organic food chain

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dr.Manyamu: It Time To Vote With Our Fork

Before I read the chapter about voting with your fork I was very clear that no matter how I vote with fork the way I now see my food is very different. When your more aware of how your food is process you tend to change your eating habits; I sure know that what happen to me. So how I'm going to vote. It wasn't easy coming to decision but I know that when I now food shopping I will think twice about what I decide to buy. I can simply start in my house being the oldest of so many siblings I have some type of say and influence on them when it comes to eating. If they see me eating things that were grown local they most likely will to. I told two if my sister about the Omnivore's dilemma and how the book makes a different in someone life so they end up telling me about how their school is auger free. So they don't really support the industrial food chain their no soda machine they have salad bars etc. That supporting local farm. Instead of going to the supermarket I have a few farmer market around my neighborhood so I can go their instead. The idea is that a little change can have a big effect. So to concluded I for the local sustainable food chain.

Let's all Vote With Our Fork!


How will I vote with my fork? How will you vote with your fork? What does that even mean? The ideology behind it is quite simple. Will you feed your dollars to the CAFOs who are harming us, the environment, and destroying the lives of animals; or will you support those local farms, where animals have sustainable lives, the land is replenished in the process, and farmers earn the pay they deserve? These are one of the most powerful votes you can make, because it can shape you, the environment, the lives of others, and ultimately- the world. You don't need to be part of a food chain- you can summon the awakening of a new one. You can be the creator with one simple decision. There are evident votes- and you can make three everyday. And best of all, you don't need to be eighteen to start voting. You can start now. Support and strengthen the food chains that you think deserve to gain popularity and recognition for the better. Food revolves around your life- so wouldn't these votes too? You won't always get that right vote. C'mon we all crave for that big soda, or Mac once in a while at least. These situation are inevitable and are perfectly fine. The problem is that fast food is becoming a habit for us. A very unhealthy habit if you ask me. You have more influence than you realize. And these small differences can make the largest one of all. That's why I'm voting for the local sustainable food chain. I help my farmers, my environment, and myself. My parents always go to the farmer's market, and we usually almost always eat organic food. Plus, the food's delicious when you buy them locally! We can all cast our votes now- for a better world or the worst. You're living here- wouldn't you want to decide what can control you or not? Please don't make corn your president. Trust me- you'll regret it.

Dr. Gomez: Hunter Gatherer

The claim that the author is making is that the hunter gatherer food chain shouldn't be followed because it acts on animal cruelty in order to provide us with food. In the book, the author didn't feel justified killing the animal because he felt he had no right to. Killing the animal just brought guilt to him and made him realize how much he actually appreciates the animal.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Michael Polan's claim for the Hunter Gatherers~DR.Okolo

Michael Pollan's claim for the Hunter Gatherers is that the people who hunt the food and the people who eat the food that was hunted don't really understand the seriousness of killing an animal. Michael Pollan know understands the seriousness now after he killed that pig. At first he felt pride and joy because he was able to kill the pig. It was his first time shooting at an animal and on his first try, he was able to kill the pig. He felt pride and happiness because of his accomplishment over the pig. But later on, he felt the sorrow and regret everybody feels when they kill an animal. He felt ashamed that he was happy over his kill. He just killed an innocent animal and he felt pride. So his claim is that the hunters and the people who eat the food don't understand the stress it puts on the people who hunt and kill the food.

Michael Pollan's

A claim that Michael Pollan makes is that men don't create their own meat, They are just part of the cycle. He says "I had started out to see exactly where our food came from and now i had. The men in that photo did not created that food chain he is just part of it"(246). This shows how he thinks that men don't create their own food. He also says "In the end whatever we think or feel, triumph or shame, that is the way it is". Hunter gatherer's needed to be aware of what they were doing since they were killing a creature. But in the end that was just part of a cycle

The Reality of it All: Hunter- Gatherer Food Chain

Hunter-Gatherer Food Chain

Michael Pollan presents many claims about the topic of the Hunter- Gatherer Food Chain.  One claim he talks about is the understanding that the hunter-gatherer food chain is a natural process of the world and we have to accept it as it is, for our own nourishment. Pollan faces, well you can say, a dilemma of emotions trying to understand what he should feel for killing the animal. Excitement? Remorse? Shame? Thankfulness? While we do learn bits of the direct and indirect inputs and outputs of this food chain, this chapter moreover focuses on his own personal experience  reflecting on the idea of a hunter's responsibility to understand what they're doing. To understand that while they're hunting for food they're still killing an animal. "Hunters ought to be aware of their seriousness of what they're doing and never treat it lightly." Pollan felt joy discovering his new abilities, succeeding the task, and felt... alive. However, no matter how he looked at it, he felt remorse for killing the pig also. Soon he had understood at least part of the depth of the situation. That he had to accept it. That by discovering the origin of this food , he realized that he, that we all are part of a food chain. We did not create it, we are the components  that support it. The man is just taking the nourishment for his own benefit. " In the end, whatever we think or feel, triumph or shame, that is just the way it is.


Dr. Tejada: What claim?

I think the claim Michael Pollan is trying to make when he made the chapter about his experience with hunting is that it isn't an easy job and the people who do it shouldn't take it lightly and when they do catch something, it's not right to feel "happy" about the kįll because hunting is for food, not for sport or fun.

Dr.Manyamu: Hunter Gather

The claim Michael Poll an is making about the hunter gatherer food chain is that just because you ate killing your own food doesn't mean you created a different food chain your apart of it. On page 246 Mr. Pollan talk about the last photo Angelo send him he connects it back to this system that nature is his own food chain. In the picture their was an oak tree standing in the sun. Using the sun it made acorns. Then the pigs eat those acorns. Then they hunted and kill that pig and now it their meal. On page 245 he describe another dilemma where the question is what is the joy of hunting so his point is that even though you're hunting was it really worth it. In the wood he excited that he try something new but then again he felt regretful for killing the pig. He concluded by saying hunters need to take what they do seriously.

Dr. Valoy With The Hunter-Gatherer Food Chain

     The claim that Michael Pollan is trying to make about the hunter-gatherer food chain is that people who hunt should know what they're actually doing. The text states, "But at that moment, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, I felt absolutely terrific-completely happy." This shows the feeling that he felt at that exact moment. The text also states," Suddenly I felt ashamed". This demonstrates how later, he realized what he actually did and then he didn't feel the emotions he felt before. Therefore, the hunter-gatherer food chain can sometimes cause a shift of emotions when the people who hunt realized what they did.

Hunter-Gatherer: A food chain of regret ~ Dr. Flores

                  The claim Pollan is making is that Hunter-gatherers food chain may be more direct and straight forward wasting less resources but it isn't a great method because of the physological part and understanding that killing animals like that isn't something that should be taken lightly. It states "Hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly". This is describing the claim Pollan i s trying to make because it talks about the seriousness of hunting animals and also shows that eve know its way more natural it causing guilt and killing animals like that is more serious and should be understood and never be taken lightly. In addition, it states "However, I also knew what made me feel bad about hunting. No matter how I look at it, I felt regret about killing that pig". This is explaining and showing that author is feeling regret about killing the pig and is saying that hunting live animals is more harsh than the other food chains and the topic of killing animals shouldn't be taken lightly. The claim Pollan is making is that hunter gatherer food chain is bad and it shouldn't be taken lightly or done.


wennise wright

The is mostly talking about how he felt after killing the pig.It states that, "The happy excitement didn't last long"(pg 242).This shows that even though it was his first time hunting he wasn't happy because he killed an animal.It also states, "What I really wanted was breathe of fresh air"(pg243),This shows how he felt while he was taking apart the pig.

Tuesday's blog post

There are plenty of concequences of the industrial food chain. Concequences come from risk. Which there are plenty of aswell. Risks include; plenty of unhealthy ingredients within variety of foods. For example on page 3, Pollan discusses his encounter with a tv dinner and he elaborates on how there are about thirty+ ingredients within the meal itself and starts to list them. The ingredients were not all healthy. Sinc ewe know the risk lets talk about the concequences. What is the outcome of unhealthy food? An unhealthy body!

wednesday's blog post

Michael Pollan introduced steer number 534 because that was the first cow he purchased. Which was most likely most important to him because thats how his experience started. He introduces this cattle by telling its story from when Pollan first met the cow.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Solution{omnivores dilemna}

The local sustainable food chain offers a solution for omnivores dilemna. The local sustainable food chain offers healthy and cleaner meat,eggs, and chicken. And I don't mean "organic" foods,no I mean healthy living for the animals like the things we see in books and not animals being fed corn and fertilizers and etc. the local sustainable food chain helps the consumers get to know there food better and not be clueless on what there eating as stated on page 184 "what I was hearing,in other words,was the same omnivores dilemna that had spurred me to write a book. Somehow,getting meat and eggs from the salaries helped these folks solve their dilemna,at least a little. Getting to know their  food from polyface and lets them feel connected to their food comes from" This solution that was offered is for omnivores dilemna. The people think this local sustainable food chain is better because they say "you're not going to find fresher meat","all this meat comes from happy animals-I know because I've seen it" many people say much more things about how great it is. That's how the local sustainable food chain offers a solution for omnivores dilemna.

The Omnivore's Dilemma: The Big Solution

Many people don't know what they are eating actually. These types of industrial food we are eating can really harm us in different ways. But we know that there are solutions to this problem. Its really simple actually. We just need to eat organic! We need to eat fresh and support the farmers who actually do this and at the same time helping us for better lives. Simple as that we just need to show people the truth . We need to show people what truly happens. Stay healthy. Stay Happy 

The Omnivore Solution

Local Sustainable Food Chain- The Solution to the Omnivore's Dilemma

The modern Omnivore's Dilemma that we face today is the simple question of meaning; we can eat anything we want but how do we know what to eat? What's good for us and what's not? We have thousands of food options to choose from, but we don't really know where our food comes from. The Local- Sustainable Food Chain provides a solution to this. You see, local farmers grow organic crops, cattle, and broods in a natural, non - toxic, environmental friendly way that is beneficial to both humans and the animals themselves too. And to mention- the transportation of these grown food move only in the local away a few hundred miles- compared to the thousands of miles in the Industrial Food Chain. That's good for both the consumer and farmer since both earn profit and beneficial outputs as a result. Furthermore, this food chain provides a closer, direct relationship with both parties and since most of the time the consumers know what they're buying and where it came from, they understand the nature of the food, why it is the way it is, and if it's good or not. They realize the value and quality of it, from a direct personal view rather than looking at labellings just like how our ancestors used to do. That's one of the solutions to the Great Omnivore's Dilemma. Eat safe, be safe!

Dr. Okolo's Solution to the Omnivore's Dilemma

When reading chapter 16, Michael Pollan talked about the solutions the local sustainable food chain provided for the Omnivore's Dilemma. One of these solutions was that if people knew where their food was coming from, then they can feel safer about what they are eating. Also, they would be able to make wise decisions about what is the right thing to eat. Most people just go to any supermarket and buy whatever looks tasty. But if they knew the origin of the food that they buy, then they can know how their food is grown. Knowing this, they could build a stronger relationship with the farmers that grow the food.

D.r mexican

The solution for the omnivore's dilemma that the local sustainable food chain offer is that they want the want to put the corn far away from the farmer. But they putting a offer to put the corn next to the farmer. But if the corn is far from the farmer then there is a issue for the farmer to make money from there food.

In chapter 16, some solutions for these problems is to let people know what's in the food before they buy it and where it comes from and  is it healthy/organic.

Dr. Valoy With The Solution For The Omnivore's Dilemma

     When reading chapter 16 of the book, it mentions some solutions for the Omnivore's Dilemma that the local sustainable food chain offers. One solution is that with this kind of farming, your food is clean and organic. That means that the food is grown naturally and is healthy for us. Another solution is that people can feel more connected to their food and know where it's coming from. This means that people can know how their food is grown. Therefore, the solution for the Omnivores Dilemma that the local sustainable food chain offers is that people can be more aware of where their food is coming from and if it's clean and organic, as well.

omnivore Dilemma ~ Dr. Flores

In Chapter 16, the solution that was showed was how if the people knew how the food was made and where it comes from they feel more connected and safer when they eat. It states "Somehow getting their meat and eggs from the Salatins helped these folks solve their dilemma." This is describing that if the people know what is in the food and how the food got here they feel more connected and safer when they eat the food. In addition, in the book it was showed that the people shopping didnt feel safe and was unsure of what was actually inside their food. In order to fix this a solution that was given was to get people to know what is inside the food, and so they will feel more connected in the society and in the food they eat. 

Dr. Tejada: Solution?

Some of the solutions the local sustainable food chain offers is that consumers know where their food comes from and who is making it because they have acquainted themselves with the producer of their meals. Also, they can support local farmers by buying their food when in the industrial food chain, those farmers would have been earning less. Another solution to the omnivore's dilemma that the local sustainable food chain offers is that it is fresher and healthier than those grown in factories or industrial farms.

Dr.Manyamu: omnivore's dilemma

The omnivores dilemma is that where not as connected to our food as we used to be. In the local sustainable food chain Michael Pollan present us a solution to that dilemma. On page 184 it States " Somehow getting their meat and eggs from the Salatins helped these folks solve their dilemma. This show that know how their food is raise and where comes from make them feel better about this dilemma. The customer felt more connected to their foods. Also they think the food taste better

Friday, February 27, 2015

D.r mexican

Ok so i just home from school and ate chicken with rice. And know im bout to go to my aunt house for a party. And she cooks really well so im going to eat lasagña and that is it for today no more eating.

Pollen's purpose for introducing steer 534 was to track the health of the cow and how it is being raised in the fields. I know this because the text states " When I visited the ground was covered with a thick coat of yellow and gold grass" What this proves is that all that the cows ate was corn and the cows natural diet was no longer consistent. The text also states''

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why steer 534?

Pollan's purpose for introducing steer 534 was to inform the reader about the way cows are being treated. In my opinion I think he is trying to persuade readers in a way as well. I think that he tries to persuade readers that cows should stick to their old fashioned natural diet which consisted of hay or grass. However since corn is pushing aside the needs of other animals and crops, cows are forced to eat corn 24/7.

Dr mexican

I ate today chicken with hot sauce and rice also tortilla. And i couldnt stop drinking water odee cuz my mom puts alot of hot sauce. And then i went to my appointment and went in a Restaurant. In the Restaurant i ate soft tacos with gucamole. Then i got home and i had chips so then i ate chips with salt and vinegar chips.


Michael pollen wrote like a short little passage about his steer which is a cattle named 534. When pollan wrote this he must of had a purpose. I think that purpose was to give us more information about the industrial food chain and how they don't treat the cattles right and how the cattles including Pollans cattle of 534 went from good fields and stream waters to the them never having that good life again and them being taken away from that. I know that they had the good way of living before they got taken because "In November,when I visited,the ground was covered with a thick coat of yellow and gold grass. Sprinkled across the fields were moving black dots: Angus cows and calves,grazing". This at first to me tells me how good the cows had it. Then from that to " yet,after a few months at poky my steer will never have the opportunity to eat green grass again".pollan showed us that he knows what the food chain is like because he saw it and went through it for himself and how where his steer was taken was not better then where his steer was at. He basically wanted to inform us more not only about things he know but things he had been through himself.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

the things we eat cow edition

The  author  introduced  steer #534 because e wised to sow us how  cows are being  affected by telephone corn they are  being forced   to consume. Wichita in tern will affect us.

Pollans purpose(Tatiana)

Michael pollen wrote like a short little passage about his steer which is a cattle named 534. When pollan wrote this he must of had a purpose. I think that purpose was to give us more information about the industrial food chain and how they don't treat the cattles right and how the cattles including Pollans cattle of 534 went from good fields and stream waters to the them never having that good life again and them being taken away from that. I know that they had the good way of living before they got taken because "In November,when I visited,the ground was covered with a thick coat of yellow and gold grass. Sprinkled across the fields were moving black dots: Angus cows and calves,grazing". This at first to me tells me how good the cows had it. Then from that to " yet,after a few months at poky my steer will never have the opportunity to eat green grass again".pollan showed us that he knows what the food chain is like because he saw it and went through it for himself and how where his steer was taken was not better then where his steer was at. He basically wanted to inform us more not only about things he know but things he had been through himself.

Steer #534 ~ Dr. Flores

 Steer #534 was introduced to show the point that cows was treated unfairly and was forced to eat corn instead of grass. These forced changes affects the health of the cattle. The author introduce steer #534 to show how the cattle was treated unfairly and it affects its health and our healths as well. It states on page 50 that "...534 is the product of artificial insemination". This is showing that steer 534 isn't naturally breed or fed but its being unnaturally breed or fed. It states "Yet,  after a few months at Poky my steer will never have the opporunity to eat green grass again". The author introduces steer #534 because the author wanted to show the industrial food chain is having a negative impact due to the mistreatment of cattle. These mistreatments can affect our health and the cattle health and freedom. 

Michael Pollan's Purpose of Introducing Steer #534

Author's Purpose of  Introducing Steer #534

The author's purpose of introducing Steer #534 was simple; he wanted to follow the journey of the Industrial Food Chain in a deep, accurate way. By following Steer #534 through this process, he and the readers will get a better understanding of what's going on for the cows from the beginning until they turn into beef for us. By getting data from one specific cow, he can track it and draw valid conclusions, rather than examining random cows and getting insufficient, unreliable data. He introduces Steer #534 to us so we can try to understand and depict the image of a cow's life in a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, and how it contrasts to life in a small farm. He explains to us the process of what happens after the steer's birth, how their food habits changes along with the environment, and then its effect on the animal as a result. By providing specific information such as this, the author informs us about the Industrial Food Chain in a more specific, authentic way, instead of just simple analysis from undetailed observations that wouldn't be credible. In a way he also persuades us to side with the negatives too, providing sad, bitter details about the cow's life, ending the section by saying, "Yet after a few months at Poky my steer will never have the opportunity to eat green grass again." Pretty inhumane if you ask me.

Pollans's purpose

What was Pollan’s purpose for introducing steer 534? Pollan's purpose for introducing steer 534 is how cow-calf are treated nice and fed well with grass and thier mothers milk until six months later they are taken and treated like regular cows and then reflecting on his steer saying it will never have an opertuninity to eat Grass.

Dr.Manyamu: STEER#534

The author include information about his cow to show how their ate raised and affected by the Industrial food chain. It shows readers that at farms like poky that where cows don't get abuse. When cows are able to eat grass their able to help it grow where's they can't do that at CAFO.
There  32 pounds of feed and 25 pounds of corn are given to the cows. People started to get sick because the cow weren't giving a healthy diet. He concluded by telling us cattle are use to turn corn into beef

What's The Purpose?

I think Pollan's purpose for introducing us to Steer 534 was to show us an inside look on what goes on in the place that they force the cows to eat corn instead of grass so we would think something along the lines of, "Wow, that's just wrong. Someone should do something about this." Or something like that. I think he introduced us to this cow also so we would feel something for it instead of explaining what goes on in general, he goes deeper and paints a picture of the life of one cow.

Steer 534: The purpose

Michael Pollen's purpose for introducing Steer 534 was to give an example of how cows are being treated just so that people could get the best meat. Cows were being fed artificial food just so that the cow could create the best product. The only food the cows ate were corn. Even though the main thing they were supposed to eat, they were only allowed to eat corn so that they can make the best kind of product. The text states, "Like all beef cattle, 534 is the product of artificial insemination" (Pg 50, paragraph 3) Michael Pollen wanted to show us, the readers, that Steer 534, like all the other cows, were fed food that they weren't supposed to eat so that they can make artificial products. Another quote the text states is, "Yet, after a few months at Porky my steer will never have the opportunity to eat green grass again." (Pg 50, paragraph 5) Michael Pollen's purpose for introducing Steer 534 was to show the readers that the cows are not being cared for properly because the corn is not doing anything good for the cows and for the people who eat it: US!!!!!

Dr. Valoy With Pallan's Purpose For Introducing "Steer 534"

     Pollan's purpose for introducing steer 534 was to later explain the relationship between the cows and grass. In this section, he talks about a cow that eats grass. He mentioned that this is the first stage of a hamburger. Before we eat burgers, cows are graving through a field eating grass. Therefore, the purpose of this section is to introduce the relationship between cows and grass. 

Steer 534: Why?

Pollan’s purpose for introducing steer 534 was to show a cow that was a product of artificial insemination. He showed the life of that cow since he was born and all the food it was eating. It showed the life of that cow with the mother but never meeting the father of that cow. He includes all of this information to teach us what is happening with these cows and animals and how they are living with their environment. 

what was Pollan's purpose for introducing 534?

Pollan's purpose for introducing steer 534 is to show how he got the information about cow's. By buying steer number 534 the author was able to track steer 534 and see his journey. When 534 is born in an independently owned ranch alongside his mother. After six months 534 was branded and castrated.

Tuesday: There are Consequences

        Some consequences from the industrial food chain is that the government and other companies charge farmers the right to grow their crops. This is unfair because farmers go through many challenges and having to be forced to pay to do their job. This is crazy because just like people barely work for free, why pay to work? Also, farmers started to care about the quantity than quality. What I mean about this is that how good they made the corn no longer mattered it was how much money they expected to get out of it.


What Do Oreos Contain?
Oreos are a very popular snack eaten by many people, Oreos are a brand of a chocolate sandwhich 
cookie with a creamy white filling. The Oreo ingredients contain corn syrup and cornstarch. Havent you ever wondered how could the vegetable corn we eat be transfered to such a delicous  sweet cookie / snack we eat. I believe the corn started off being grown in the corn fields then made into a liquid to be mixed with the other ingredients which is making the oreos we enjoy.


Chapter 3 is about that in the old days they used to do everytjing on hand but know this day we use eletronics. Also know this days the corn is really alot of money but before it was less because there were not alpt of work as know. The farmers had rich fields but they were poor because they didnt have the idea to sell there things which are crops .


The industrial food chain. Its large and mass work load is amazing to some people. We believe that this food chain is benefitial and has no problems but this isnt always true. In the industrial food chain there are also many negative effects to nature and humans as well. In the book this diagram showed up. 
This photo discussed something very important. When food is being processed a whole bunch of chemicals are mixed in and its lack of energy is a result. We focus of growing transporting and processing that when its the actual food itself it has low amount of energy. Also, another issue of using hybrid seeds GMOs gases as fertilizers. All of these exploit the fun and the money from the farmers. In the book on page 31 it stated "Farming was no longer an ecologial loop-it was more like a factory. The farmer brought raw materials (seed and fertilizer) and turned it into a finished product-corn." These is describing an dillustrating how due to these new chemicals fertlizer it taken out the natural process of farming. These new chemicals and fertilizer is also causing most farmers to lose a lot of money because the expensive for the raw materials are really high. In the industrial food chain a lot of negtaive impacts are happening because of the new innovations form processing corn and also from expensives are affecting our health and the lives of farmers as well. 

Dr.udo unvented consequences

             By changing the genes in some crops such as corn and just feeding cattle corn have negative repercussions. It can make cattle sick and since we eat this cattle we to can become sick as well. This proves that changing things in nature can affect a society in a negative way . Also lots of farmers do not believe in this GMO experiment they believe that GMO is a reckless experiment with the nature order of things. What this shows is that we are not sure what affect this product can have on our everyday lives.

Chapter 3: Industrial Food Chain

Based on chapter 3 in the Omnivore's Dilemma, I know there are some unintended consequences caused by the industrial food chain. The industrial food chain has caused many issues such as global warming and consuming too much energy. These effects are consequential for us people as a community because all the industrial food chain is doing is making the issues that are already well known and serious even stronger and more of a threat for us. The simple production of corn could devastate humans. 

Negative impacts~Dr.Flores

The industrial food chain. Its large and mass work load is amazing to some people. We believe that this food chain is benefitial and has no problems but this isnt always true. In the industrial food chain there are also many negative effects to nature and humans as well. In the book this diagram showed up. 
This photo discussed something very important. When food is being processed a whole bunch of chemicals are mixed in and its lack of energy is a result. We focus of growing transporting and processing that when its the actual food itself it has low amount of energy. Also, another issue of using hybrid seeds GMOs gases as fertilizers. All of these exploit the fun and the money from the farmers. In the book on page 31 it stated "Farming was no longer an ecologial loop-it was more like a factory. The farmer brought raw materials (seed and fertilizer) and turned it into a finished product-corn." These is describing an dillustrating how due to these new chemicals fertlizer it taken out the natural process of farming. These new chemicals and fertilizer is also causing most farmers to lose a lot of money because the expensive for the raw materials are really high. In the industrial food chain a lot of negtaive impacts are happening because of the new innovations form processing corn and also from expensives are affecting our health and the lives of farmers as well. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Repercussions of the Industrial Food Chain

The Unintended Outputs of The Industrial Food Chain

We all have heard about the industrial food chain. It's the process of how from a single crop grown in  a large vast field is then transformed into foods you eat at restaurants and fast food outlets. This food chain may seem like an efficient, cost-saving, time effective technique to create the foods we want in desirable ways, benefiting both the supplier and consumer- but are there indirect consequences?

Many environmental and economic problems can derive from this food chain. When making corn, the industrial food chain is using up more energy than it is producing. And since making corn is in more ways expensive than actually buying it, farmers are suffering to receive decent incomes and the money they deserve. Not to forget, that the making of corn also produces nitrogen pollution. Farmers feed corn more nitrogen than what is actually needs to "play it safe" and not lose money they could have earned. The unnecessary nitrogen then can evaporate to the air which can create acid rain. Some of it can even turn into nitrous oxide, a gas that increases global warming.  When the nitrogen seeps into the ground, it is unsafe for humans to consume it- so farmers have to take extra precautions when going drinking water from underground resources. And not much is taken to address these issues because ironically big agribusiness corporations- the ones most benefited from this production- helped write the very laws that set farm policies.  Farm policies that farmers are fed up with, because it makes them poor, and leads way to the pollution that is killing us today. Awesome, isn't it? Seems like we're the armies supporting the spread of corn to dominate us all over the world. The naive ones- that is. 

Dr. Valoy With The Consequences Of The Industrial Food Chain.

    Based on chapter 3, some unintended consequences from the industrial food chain is global warming. "The Omnivores Dilemma" states, "Some of it evaporates into the air, where it creates acid rain". This shows how some farmers may not expect that the man-made nitrogen that the corn does not take up can cause global warming. " The Omnivores Dilemma" also states,"Some of it turns into nitrous oxide, a gas that increases global warming". This demonstrates how some of the man-made nitrogen that's not used will turn into a gas that increases global warming. Therefore, an unintended consequence of the industrial food chain is global warming because a lot of corn is grown in one field and the man-made nitrogen that's not used in the corn will turn into a gas that increases global warming.

This is a corn field and some of the corn may not uses all the man-made nitrogen, which will turn into gas that can increase global warming. 

Tatiana blog post on chapter 3


Based on what I have read in chapter 3 in Omnivores Dilemma there are some consequences from the industrial food chain. There were some consequences of the farmers having to use a whole lot of the energy that made some farms Loss proposition. "Industrial farm is using up more energy than it is producing. This is opposite of what happened before chemical fertilizers". This is one of the consequence that they had to face. Another problem is the things the farmers are using are hurting the earth. The nitrogen is polluting the earth and "some of it turns into nitrous oxide,a gas that increases global warming," this tells me how the things they use in the corn is not only healthy for the corn but it's not healthy for the earth. There are plenty more situations that these farmers have to and had to face but those two are the ones that suck out to me the most in chapter three to show some of the consequences from the industrial food chain.



I picked the popular drink that many of us and our young siblings or young one or maybe even ourselves drink of Yoohoo to talk about today. The chocolate drink Yoohoo has the ingredient of corn syrup in it. Now there's are many ways that the corn could of got in this very popular drink but I have one way which i think might of happened. The way I think corn may have made its way from the field to our Yoohoo drink is by the corn being grown first with all those chemicals,fertilizer,and nitrogen. Then the corn gets bought form many companies including the Yoohoo company and they turn it into what they need to make the Yoohoo. There are many other foods that have the ingredient of corn but I chose Yoohoo.

Industrial Food Train: Not Always The Best Choice

The Industrial Food Chain is not what it always seems. These things come with many consequences and problems. Farmers are losing their money on buying seeds that they used to make themselves. These seeds aren't even natural. These seeds are mutated and contains chemicals which can be harmful. Farmers state how these companies are messing with the natural order and nature. This can also have farmers out of business and people in danger with their foods. Lets just think about our foods before eating.  ;)

Dr.Wright's Reports About Chapter 3

In chapter 3 of "The Omnivore's Dilemma" Micheal Pollan talks about farmers ways of making their vegetables.What Micheal reveals is that the farmers add nitrogen which is in the fertilizer.They put chemical fertilizer on Hybrid corn.Also the author says that Nitrogen is also the reason for global warming.So basically the farmers put chemicals in our vegetables. Rivera -801-ela-dominican-food.html?m=1

2/24/15- Consequences of Industrial Food Chain

Some of the consequences of the industrial food chain as explained in the book, is the fact that the companies providing the fertilziers, seeds, etc for farmers are raising their prices to the point that it is very hard for the farmers to get what they need and if they try to farm the "traditional old fashion way" they will not make enough corn/crops which means no income for them, which is what they use to clothe themselves and feed themselves. Another consequence of the industrial food chain is that some companies want to "own" corn so the farmers have to ask them first before planting it.
Which is sort of rediculous and will lead to issues because those companies wanting to literally own the crop wouldn't be able to keep track of all those farms all at once.

Dr.Manyamu: unintended outputs

After reading chapter 3 of The Omnivore's Dilemma I now know that that some things occur that shouldn't. On page 29 it states once the weapons plant in Alabama was not need for they started using it for chemical fertilizer. Framers could now go and buy nitrogen. But this nitrogen was bad for the environment. It caused pollution. In the Industrial food chain the big business were getting a profit where's  the farmers were losing money. On page 35 it states "it cost him about $2.50 to grow a bushel of corn ... But that year the price the grain elevator co-op paid for a bushel of corn was only about $1.45. As farms grew more corn the price for corn falls. The farm policy didn't help farms instead it help  larger industrial farms, agribusiness, and food companies like McDonald's.

Darlenny Liranzo                                                                                                2/24/15
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Dominican Food
Me and my family are from Dominican Republic and we eat mangu, sancocho asopou. My family mostly eats mangu con lo trie corpe. I dont know why we just like it the most out of everthing. When I get hoe we usually eat arroz con habichual y carne.

My ancestors haven't changed because we still eat the same thing

I believe that Americans do not still have traditional because McDonalds, Burger King, and Checkers are not traditional foods.

some people might say that americans do still have traditional foods, however they are wrong because fast food resturant are not traditional.   
Melany Guerrero


                                   FOOD TRADITIONS

 My family is Dominican and we have many food traditions such as eating sancocho, asopao, and mangu. In my family we sit down and eat together as a family, whether is during breakfast, lunch, or dinner. My family has strong food traditions since being able to eat traditional foods as a whole family is very important to us. Now i honestly eat less traditional foods and barely sit down with my family to eat together and have a good time during either breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Now i'll usually eat a hamburger and fries at mcdonald's  and quickly move on and go on with my life. I 100% believe that modern Americans don't have strong food traditions and there many reasons why. modern American families don't have such strong food traditions since they find it easier to eat a burger with fries than to go home and cook for the whole family. I understand that even though people eat a lot of fast food their many that think were still going by our traditions when it comes to food however people just don't want to go home after work and start cooking when they can just with five dollars maybe less buy a full meal at mcdonald's. 


Toni's Food Traditions

      The claim was that food traditions were changed over time. I dont disagree with that opinion , however, i do not agree with it. I believe that the food itself has not been changed but the variety of food has.
        I come from a Hispanic background infused with an Italian background. What i eat now compared to what my great grandparents and grandparents ate/ eat are fairly similar. Within my Hispanic culture a regular day meal is rice beans and maybe a certain meat. Or fish. Since i have some Italian background , often families switch up dishes. For example, one day i would have rice, beans and chicken but the next day i would have a classic spaghetti and meatball meal. Which anyone would know shows the Italian side. If you didn't , most pasta dishes comes from Italy.
         What i eat today is practically the same thing. I still eat rice, beans and chicken or sometimes fish. My mother does often switch up the meals . I also do have a greater variety than my grandparents and great grandparents due to fast foods created over time .
          Just because i have a greater variety doesn't mean that the food traditions changed. I still eat traditional meals . On certain occations I would eat otherwise. Plus some fast foods are just mixed traditions in one meal.
        In conclusion, i eat almost the same meals as my ancestors ate before except for the fact that fast food companies were made.  Therefore i believe that the food traditions itself has not changed over time but the variety of the food has.