Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dr. Gomez: Voting With My Fork

    In “The Omnivore's Dilemma” pages 279-283, I learned what the author was truly attempting to portray in this book. Not only should people eat healthy and make smart choices about where we receive our food from, but we should also choose the source of food that treats animals as humane as possible and does not commit cruel acts towards them. What I will do to attempt to restore America's dignity and keep our humanity intact is make sure that I choose my food from reliable farms and companies that treat animals fairly and provide clean, fresh food that isn't contaminated with bacteria. It is important to make these decisions while shopping for food, even if you only do this once. I may be one of those people who only “votes with my fork” positively and in a smart way once or twice, but I would make it count. I would make sure to eat organic and local foods. This would be a smart and cautious decision.

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