Sunday, March 8, 2015

How will you do it?😳🍴

Well after reading afterword in The omnivores dilemna there came a big question of "how will you vote with your fork?" And there are many ways you can vote with your fork. By shopping for your food and eating it is one way you can vote with your fork. I say that's one way because you have control on what's on your fork,you can either have the industrial food chain, industrial organic, or local sustainable on your fork/plate. You can either have a healthy choice or a unhealthy choice and its all up to you because "How you and your family choose to spend your food dollars represents one of the most powerful votes you have." You have more control now a days then before. You have the power to pick and help healthier foods get on our plates. "You have the option of eating from a very different food chain-you can vote with your fork for a better world,one delicious bite at a time." So start voting with your fork today,or maybe even right now.

1 comment:

  1. ☺😂😂😂 yes, I love your reasoning and all your expla ations on how you're able to vote with your fork.👏👏
