Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dr. Valoy With The Hunter-Gatherer Food Chain

     The claim that Michael Pollan is trying to make about the hunter-gatherer food chain is that people who hunt should know what they're actually doing. The text states, "But at that moment, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, I felt absolutely terrific-completely happy." This shows the feeling that he felt at that exact moment. The text also states," Suddenly I felt ashamed". This demonstrates how later, he realized what he actually did and then he didn't feel the emotions he felt before. Therefore, the hunter-gatherer food chain can sometimes cause a shift of emotions when the people who hunt realized what they did.


  1. I liked the way you organized the writing. Claim, evidence, explanation, evidence, explanation ,conclusion.Great job!

  2. How do you think this claim might extend to the other food chains? I.E. people who eat processed food should know how it's made?
