Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dr. Valoy With How He Will Vote With His Fork

     So the big question today is how I will vote with my fork? Well, before reading this book, I guess I can say I voted with my fork a couple of times. For instance, I really don't drink soda all the time, but sometimes I will for special occasions. Then, eventually, I read "The Omnivore's Dilemma". In this book, I learned more about where my food comes from and that the food that I eat comes from four food chains. They are Industrial, Industrial Organic, Local Sustainable and Hunter-gatherer. After learning about where my food comes from for each of these food chains, I think I'll be a bit more cautious of what I eat. Maybe I'll start and eat more organic foods because it doesn't contain a lot of chemicals. Honestly, there may be some times where I will get fast food, but I guess it won't be all the time. Therefore, there may be some times where I'll get  fast food, but I'll be more cautious of what I eat and start to eat more organic foods.


Image result for industrial organic food chain

1 comment:

  1. So being more caution about your food is how your going to vote right?
