Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Local Sustainable: Food for my Family to eat~Dr.Okolo

If I had to feed my family through one of the four food chains, I would choose the Local Sustainable food chain. With the local sustainable food chain, all the food you and your family will be eating would be healthy and organic. The farmers who follow the local sustainable food chain do not use dangerous chemicals to make their food better like how some farmers do in the industrial and industrial organic food chain. They grow food natural and everything is safe. You don't have to worry about getting sick or catching dangerous diseases like cancer because the food doesn't have the chemicals that make you feel sick. This is why out of all the four food chains, I would want to feed my family food from the Local Sustainable food chain because it would keep them safe and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Lawrence and good reasoning to support your argument.
