Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dr. Valoy With His Choice

     In this book, we learned about different kinds of food chains. There were some that were better than others and each one was beneficial in its own way. After thinking about it, I would prefer that my family and I would eat local sustainable food. I chose this food chain because it's  not only beneficial for me, but for the animals as well. With this type of farming, animals are treated with care and freedom. Also, the food isn't processed and the food travels short distances, so it's more fresh. It'll probably taste better, too. This food chain is actually beneficial for the farmers as well because when the chickens are in the floorless pens, they eat grass and the chicken manure fertilizes the soil. Also, the chickens are able to be happy and walk around to eat grass. With some other food chains, the animals eat mostly corn, but in this food chain, chickens get to eat food other than corn like grasshoppers, worms and crickets that they find. This is healthy for the chickens and for us. Therefore, I would choose to eat local sustainable food because it's fresh and everyone benefits from it as well.

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