Monday, March 2, 2015

Solution{omnivores dilemna}

The local sustainable food chain offers a solution for omnivores dilemna. The local sustainable food chain offers healthy and cleaner meat,eggs, and chicken. And I don't mean "organic" foods,no I mean healthy living for the animals like the things we see in books and not animals being fed corn and fertilizers and etc. the local sustainable food chain helps the consumers get to know there food better and not be clueless on what there eating as stated on page 184 "what I was hearing,in other words,was the same omnivores dilemna that had spurred me to write a book. Somehow,getting meat and eggs from the salaries helped these folks solve their dilemna,at least a little. Getting to know their  food from polyface and lets them feel connected to their food comes from" This solution that was offered is for omnivores dilemna. The people think this local sustainable food chain is better because they say "you're not going to find fresher meat","all this meat comes from happy animals-I know because I've seen it" many people say much more things about how great it is. That's how the local sustainable food chain offers a solution for omnivores dilemna.

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