Wednesday, March 11, 2015

michael's claim pg 240-245 by dr.Compres

in this section of the book Michael Pollan depicts his first kill as a hunter and the feelings that rose while trying to live with what he has done.
            Michael claims that what a hunter does is not for the the weak willed. "hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly". this shows how  Michael believes a hunters job is a hard one and should not be glanced over that it should be respected."i looked from the dead, bloody pig to the big, happy grin on the man's face-my face. then I hurried my mouse to the corner of the image and clicked, closing it as quickly as I could. what could I have possibly been thinking? what was I so damned proud of anyway? suddenly I felt ashamed."
this quote shows how you could be so proud of what you had dun but the next disgusted.
in these pages Michael depicts the true nature of the hunter gatherer life style. it is not one of happiness and triumph, but one that takes great courage and an understanding of what you have done.

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