Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dr.Estrada: Food For Family ~ The Truth ~

Many of you may disagree with me on what i'm about to state but this is all in my opinions and noticing. Well in my opinion I say that my family should keep on eating what they eat daily. Regular food that we've been eating all our life. After all this and all my noticing this doesn't affect us in any harmful way. We are all healthy and happy. We just eat what we like and at the same time we will eat healthy as-well. All these years we've been the same and its good like that. Why change now? Food is just food. We eat it and we enjoy it. This opinion of mine has been the same after all this time and even after this book it has still been the same. I don't know what else to tell you. If you like your food just eat it. We are still the same. We enjoy it. Why change?

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