Saturday, March 7, 2015

Voting with our forks ~ Dr. Flores

Okay. Here is what i think about voting with our fork. I just had chinese food which was French fries with chicken wings. Voting with our fork is important but we also have to think about this. Everything was talked about in the book is true however people will understand and try to follow it. But it wont work for long. Lets say I say i wont eat meat ever again. It will go on for a short time and I will eventually eat meat again because one i love meat. Two because my family usually eats meat and three avoiding eating meat will waste more time, energy, and money. Voting with your fork makes sense and is talking about all the theories and logical thinking this book has but you also have to understand we are children. We are people who eat what we like and it wouldnt matter to us if it tastes right. I will vote with my fork with my own little steps. I will think about it but I wont just completely change my way of eating as well. 

1 comment:

  1. you are very blunt lol. But then again, unless u see the slaughter of animals in real life and their pain, you would never really understand the suffering they went through because of the way corporations treat them.
