Friday, March 6, 2015

Dr.Manyamu: It Time To Vote With Our Fork

Before I read the chapter about voting with your fork I was very clear that no matter how I vote with fork the way I now see my food is very different. When your more aware of how your food is process you tend to change your eating habits; I sure know that what happen to me. So how I'm going to vote. It wasn't easy coming to decision but I know that when I now food shopping I will think twice about what I decide to buy. I can simply start in my house being the oldest of so many siblings I have some type of say and influence on them when it comes to eating. If they see me eating things that were grown local they most likely will to. I told two if my sister about the Omnivore's dilemma and how the book makes a different in someone life so they end up telling me about how their school is auger free. So they don't really support the industrial food chain their no soda machine they have salad bars etc. That supporting local farm. Instead of going to the supermarket I have a few farmer market around my neighborhood so I can go their instead. The idea is that a little change can have a big effect. So to concluded I for the local sustainable food chain.

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