Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Choice For The Best

My Decision

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan presents numerous food chains to inform us of their health benefits and risks, and persuades us to make a decision on which food chain we think is the best for us, which we should utilize into our own lives. From much thinking, analysis, and own personal reasons, I have concluded that I would eat from the local-sustainable food chain. Why? Thinking of benefits overall, this food chain is not only is it good for me, but also for the animals and the environment. Before the animals die for us to consume them, they are treated with the utmost care and freedom. They are raised in the "natural" way; no selective breeding, or chemicals and specific foods affect their health, and make them grow faster. In return, the animals fertilize the land in which farmers keep them in while they enjoy the freedom they have exploring acres of it with no huge restrictions. One thing to note, when these animals are slaughtered, it is done in a humane, quick,way, in the least painfullest method possible. Compared to that, when many animals are hunted in the hunter-gatherer food chain, when shot, they experience ex-crucifying pain bleeding to death for hunters to collect them. Pretty awesome, if you ask me. (Note sarcasm) There are more benefits too for the animals and the environment, but understanding the gist of it, you can assume that there are many. For us, of course there are many "profits" we can gain by following this food chain. The most important thing to consider is the fact that since these animals are grown similar to how our ancestors used to grow them; no chemicals or artificial things are applied to make the process more better for us.  Thus, very little risks are seen from eating from this food chain. The food travels short distance, benefits both the consumer and employer, helps the environment, helps the animals- but most importantly- helps the world too overall. And I think that's the most important factor we should think about when deciding which food chain we would want to eat from.

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