Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dr.Manyamu: Hunter Gather

The claim Michael Poll an is making about the hunter gatherer food chain is that just because you ate killing your own food doesn't mean you created a different food chain your apart of it. On page 246 Mr. Pollan talk about the last photo Angelo send him he connects it back to this system that nature is his own food chain. In the picture their was an oak tree standing in the sun. Using the sun it made acorns. Then the pigs eat those acorns. Then they hunted and kill that pig and now it their meal. On page 245 he describe another dilemma where the question is what is the joy of hunting so his point is that even though you're hunting was it really worth it. In the wood he excited that he try something new but then again he felt regretful for killing the pig. He concluded by saying hunters need to take what they do seriously.


  1. It was good how you found evidence to show Michael Pollan's claim.

  2. Are we not a part of the other food chain? Do you think Pollan is showing us this food chain to help us see that we are a part of all food chains?

    1. I believe he is showing us that.

    2. I think Pollan is saying that this food chain we are in the beginning of every food chain because we are hunters before this time we hunted our foods and sometimes to get food we must hunt
