Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Local Sustainable Food Chain: Dr. Gomez

If there was only one food chain I had to use to feed my family, it would be the local sustainable food chain. I would choose this food chain because it has fresh and organic food that are bought from trustworthy farmers and merchants. If you chose another food chain like industrial, you would be eating unreliable food with bacteria and diseases from animals you didn't know about. You would be providing unhealthy and unfresh food for you and your family. If you chose the hunter-gatherer food chain, you would be hunting animals that could have certain infections and diseases that you would not discover. You do not know any history of your food and what it had been through. Luckily, the local sustainable food chain provides gealthy meals that were made by professionals who know how the food was before it was cooked because the farmers had raised the animals and were able to control their diets and health. Therefore, the local sustainable food chain is most reliable due to the professionals providing the food and their credibility in the culinary arts.

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