Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pollan's claim

The claim Pollan was trying to make within pages 240-245 was that hunting isnt such a simple concept as it seems. He supports this claim by telling his experience with hunting. He says his experience and through out his story, he explains how his perspective changed. At first he was content about catching his first pig but then he starts to get disgusted as he starts to gut his pig and cleaning it up to be ready to sell or cook. Making this the reason hunting wasnt as easy as he thought or in other words as simple as he imagined.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What food chain would I choose to feed my family?

Precious Acevedo 
Local Sustainable 

If I had to choose out of one of the four food chains to feed my family I would choose local sustainable . I would choose local sustainable because Local sustainable has to do with producing many vegetable based and healthier food choices than other food chains . It isn't  a good chain that has foods that have been placed with chemicals or any unhealthy injection . Industrial Orgnaic includes natural good choices that can be eaten by almost everyone. Therefore, if I had to choose out of one of the four food chains to feed my family I would choose local sustainable .

Local Sustainable Food Chain: Dr. Gomez

If there was only one food chain I had to use to feed my family, it would be the local sustainable food chain. I would choose this food chain because it has fresh and organic food that are bought from trustworthy farmers and merchants. If you chose another food chain like industrial, you would be eating unreliable food with bacteria and diseases from animals you didn't know about. You would be providing unhealthy and unfresh food for you and your family. If you chose the hunter-gatherer food chain, you would be hunting animals that could have certain infections and diseases that you would not discover. You do not know any history of your food and what it had been through. Luckily, the local sustainable food chain provides gealthy meals that were made by professionals who know how the food was before it was cooked because the farmers had raised the animals and were able to control their diets and health. Therefore, the local sustainable food chain is most reliable due to the professionals providing the food and their credibility in the culinary arts.

How will you vote with your fork? (279-283)

How Will You Vote with Your Fork?
Precious acevedo
I will vote with my fork by eating from different types of sections in food chains.Also, by learning more from the industrial food chain from where each food chain comes from and how it is organic or not. For example, out of all industrial food chains, I would choose industrial organic. This is because I know that industrial organic doesn't cause an unhealthy environment. Therefore , I will vote with my fork by eating from different types of sections in food chains. 

The Omnivores Dilemma (240-245)

Precious Acevedo 

The Omnivores Dilemma

The claim throughout pages 240-245 was how the hunters should be more aware of how serious the situation of what they had been doing towards these animals was. 


1."when we kill an animal, especially a big mammal like a pig, it can't help reminding us of our own death"

2."Hunters ought to be aware of the seriousness of what they are doing and never treat it lightly"

Local Sustainable: Food for my Family to eat~Dr.Okolo

If I had to feed my family through one of the four food chains, I would choose the Local Sustainable food chain. With the local sustainable food chain, all the food you and your family will be eating would be healthy and organic. The farmers who follow the local sustainable food chain do not use dangerous chemicals to make their food better like how some farmers do in the industrial and industrial organic food chain. They grow food natural and everything is safe. You don't have to worry about getting sick or catching dangerous diseases like cancer because the food doesn't have the chemicals that make you feel sick. This is why out of all the four food chains, I would want to feed my family food from the Local Sustainable food chain because it would keep them safe and healthy.